Индикатор AskBid показывает абсолютные значения количества объемов исполненных по цене Ask и выше, и объемов исполненных по цене Bid и ниже.

Indicator Name: ClusterDelta_#AskBid

The AskBid indicator shows the absolute values of volumes executed at the Ask prices and volumes executed at the Bid prices. Please note that volume and delta are calculated based on volumes executed at Ask and Bid prices.



The layers contain Ask : Bid pair values, which can be directed in opposite directions.

Description of indicator inputs:

  • HELP_URL (default value "https://clusterdelta.com/askbid") - this is the URL where you can get the full description of the indicator.
  • Select Futures from List - select a futures from the dropdown list as the source for data. Value AUTO causes automatic detection of the instrument using the MT ticker.
  • MetaTrader_GMT - the GMT value of your Metatrader. In 95% of cases leave AUTO.
  • Days_in_History - this parameter defines the number of days to download a history data. By "0" value , the server uses the optimized history length settings. Using too high values can cause terminal freezing on lower timeframes. It is recommended to use short periods and load more data from the chart using the button "Load More History"

  • Custom_Start_date, Custom_End_date - if Custom_Start_date and Custom_End_date were changed from its default value, the server loads history for the period specified by these parameters
  • Comment_Layers (default values is "-- ASK BID Layers" ) - just a comment describing the inputs below
  • Ask_Layer (default values is "true") - the parameter determines whether to show (true) or not to show (false) the histogram of trades that were traded at the Ask price
  • Bid_Layer (default values is "true") - - the parameter determines whether to show (true) or not to show (false) the histogram of trades that were traded at the Bid price
  • Ask_Up (default values is "true") - the parameter determines the direction of the histogram in the indicator: true - up, false - down.
  • Bid_Down (default values is "true") - the parameter determines the direction of the histogram in the indicator: true - down, false - up.
  • Current_Ask (default values is "LimeGreen") - color of the value of the current histogram Ask
  • Current_Bid (default values is "OrangeRed") - color of the value of the current histogram Bid
  • ReverseChart (default value is "false") - for reverse currency pairs with names that differ from "USD/JPY", "USD/CAD", "USD/CHF", the value must be "true" to flip indicator data according to the direction of the price chart
  • DO_NOT_SET_ReverseChart (for"...for USD/JPY, USD/CAD, USD/CHF --") - the comment in the inputs about the information describe above
  • Font_Size (default values is "8") - font size of current values of Ask and Bid histograms
  • GUI (default values is "true") - flag indicating the need to draw a graphical user interface (control panel)
  • GUI_Hint - using the keyboard : press "Z" to show/hide a graphical control panel

Please note that the color settings of the histograms are located in the "Colors" tab

Download ClusterDelta Indicators for MetaTrader