Indicator Name: ClusterDelta AskBid
The AskBid indicator shows the absolute values of volumes executed at the Ask prices and volumes executed at the Bid prices. Please note that volume and delta are calculated based on volumes executed at Ask and Bid prices.
The layers contain Ask : Bid pair values, which can be directed in opposite directions.
Description of indicator inputs:
Panel is the cTrader technical option of the indicator location. This indicator correctly works in the Panel mode (a subwindow in the footer of the main chart).
GUI is a small graphical panel containing current access status (click to open the Authorizer), name of the indicator, ticker name of the data source and the alert icon
Instrument - select a futures from the dropdown list as the source for data. Value AUTO causes automatic detection of the instrument using the cTrader ticker.
AlertSize is the default Ask and Bid alert level. The non zero value automatically enables the Alert Mode.
Reverse Data is an option for reverse the Ask/Bid histogram for reversed currency pairs except those that have name "USDJPY", "USDCAD", "USDCHF", "USDMXN". This option was added for compatibility, but in 99.9% of cTrader cases leave it "No".
Play Alert Sound is an option for the sound file to be played when an alert event is triggered.
Sound File Path must be an existing path to a sound file to play when an alert event is triggered. It must be filled by user in a format like the field below: "C:\Windows\Media\Alarm01.wav"
The default settings in cTrader display the indicator name on the chart, including all indicator values, and this makes tooltips really hard to read, so ClusterDelta's Indicators for cTrader use a little trick by putting general information in the variable names rather than their values. is an official alias of for shortening urls
Help Url section is the URL to get the full documentation about indicator
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Click the Alert icon to enable/disable alerts. When enabled, two lines appear as the alert levels. The lines can be moved by the user to change the alert level.