#Imbalance shows the prices with abnormal ratio of buyers and sellers

Indicator Name: ClusterDelta Imbalance

The #Imbalance indicator is designed to display trade imbalances in the trading process. The most common form of imbalance is a significant ratio between buyers and sellers (Ask:Bid) or the complete absence of one of them.

The #Imbalance indicator is designed to display the most common types of imbalance, such as the ratio of buyers and sellers within the same price, and market imbalance type, when the Ask price is always higher than the Bid price.

The imbalance is clearly visible on the cluster chart, but this indicator was created for easy viewing them on the price chart.

Pay attention to the image below, here is a cluster chart in the Ask x Bid mode (on the left there are orders executed at the Ask price and above, on the right - at the Bid price and below)