Indicator name: ClusterDelta #DPOC
POC (Point Of Control) is the price level for the period of time where the largest amount of volumes was traded. So the price of the biggest volume in a Market Profile is POC.
DPOC (Dynamic Point of Control) is a line on a chart of how the POC moves over a period of time.
The ClusterDelta DPOC indicator is a change of the POC level over time, where the calculation point is the maximum volume level (POC = Point Of Control). This indicator shows the previous positions of the maximum volume, which allows you to understand the its evolution. Value Area High (VAH) and Value Area Low (VAL) are the prices of Value Area where the most volumes were traded (the percentage of traded volumes is defined by Value Area Percent option).
The DPOC on the screen above shows the yellow line (POC) and grey lines (VAH/VAL) on the chart point toward to Volume Profile indicator POC/VAH/VAL on the right side of the window.
The general idea of the indicator is that you can see the evolution of the volume profile in the period in terms of change of the price of maximum volume accumulation (POC). Quite often, some minutes before market close, large enough volumes comes out (due to overnight margins increasing ), which distort the actual levels of the maximum volume at the end of the day, so this indicator indicates the significance of the price level in the period.
DPOC sometimes allows you to detect levels "hidden" by time, describing the movement of volume within a day or week. This indicator allows you to build charts of dPOC changes in series.
The DPOC panel contains the "Authorizer" icon, the indicator name, the DPOC periods list, the number of DPOC periods to load and display, where the value "None" removes dPOC data from the chart, an Alert icon and an icon (arrow up) to close the current DPOC GUI panel.
To switch between the Alert modes, just click to the Alert Icon
Display Indicator GUI is a small graphical panel containing current access status (click to open the Authorizer), name of the indicator, ticker name of the data source and the alert icon
Instrument as Source of Data - select a futures from the dropdown list as the source for data. Value AUTO causes automatic detection of the instrument using the NinjaTrader ticker.
DPOC Build Period is the time range (Hourly, Daily, Weekly) on which indicator is calculated its values.
Amount (-1 is Auto) is an amount of periods to load data for the DPOC indicator. -1 use the entire range of the current chart.
Value Area % - the percentage of Value Area at which the specified volumes amount was traded.
Show VAH/VAL is the option whether to show VAH/VAL lines. VAH/VAL Lines shows the dynamic of Value Area changing.
Day Ago (intraday periods) is the option to work with history data. It determines the number of days to skip from the current date and then load the required historical data using the "Amount" parameter.
Reverse Data is an option for reverse the DPOC data for reversed currency pairs except those that have name "USDJPY", "USDCAD", "USDCHF", "USDMXN". This option was added for compatibility, but in 99.9% of NinjaTrader keep it turned off.
Float (in hours) is the option to calculate dPOC only using the data of the last hours defined by this value. It allows you to cut off the old date that would be outdated for DPOC calculations.
[Expert] Spot/Merge Auto Adjusting is an option that allows you to adjust DPOC data to the spot chart using the latest highs and lows of the current trading session. The difference that is automatically calculated using this option may vary from trading session to trading session, so this may result in incorrect alignment of DPOC data for different trading sessions.
[Expert] Manual Spot Shift in points sets the manual value to be used to adjust DPOC data to the spot chart. Use the middle mouse button to measure the distance in points to use this value in this option.
Alert on DPOC cross initiates the Alert event when the price crosses the dPOC line.
Alert on VAH/VAL cross initiates the Alert event when the price crosses the VAH/VAL line.
Alert File is an option for the sound file to be played when an alert event is triggered. The files located at the NinjaTrader_Install_Directory\Sounds directory
In the "Plots" subwindow you can choose colors and thickness of the DPOC/VAH/VAL lines.
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