Описание функционала интерфейса: верхнее меню; навигационная панель; закладки; индикаторы КД; прочие возможности.

Top Menu sets the parameters such as username and password, chart updating time, color scheme selection, setting of the time zone and history length, settings of maximum levels gradation. You can also choose the type of platform without some basic interface elements.

Navigation panel indicates a mini copy of the loaded area of the chart. Additionally there is a rectangle in the panel dragging of which (by pressing the left mouse button inside the rectangle) allows you to navigate fast within the chart. The small icons next to the navigation panel provide quick access to individual platform functions such as the change of the chart type, zooming, cursor shape and indicators..

Tabs allow you to see more necessary information in the limited workspace by switching between them. Their main task is to provide an additional visual display of the processed information.

ClusterDelta indicators are in the Drawing tab but they should be taken apart for consideration. They are displayed on the workspace. As of today we have indicators of volume, delta and cumulative delta.

In the Other Features section, you can find other platform features or just useful tips for using the ClusterDelta. по работе с КД.