The sections allow you to Save / Export / Import or Reset Global Settings .
Save Settings saves all current changes as default settings that will be used on next startup.
Reset Settings discards all current changes to the initial settings that were loaded on startup.
Reset Settings to default values restores the settings to the default "factory" settings of the ClusterDelta Orderflow application.
Export export the current settings (with current changes) to a file.
Import import the settings from a file into a current profile (to use the imported settings later on startup it is necessary to "Save settings" or they will be reset when closing the application, but still available in the file for the import in the future).
style="text-align:justify;">The settings of the first versions of Footprint were fully compatible with the MetaTrader presets. It is still compatible in most of the options, but due to software improvements some options may be missing in MetaTrader or may have a different name or behavior than in ClusterDelta Orderflow app.